May 22 – What happened today? Births Donna Roberts 1845 – Albert J. Adams – Born in 1845 in New York City, Albert James Adams wasn’t…
April 25 – What happened today? Births Lee Roy Martin 1937 – Lee Roy Martin – also known as “The Gaffney Strangler”, was a notorious American…
April 16 – What happened today? Births Cecil L. Clayton 1815 – William Adams Hickman – was an American pioneer, trapper, trader, and one of the…
April 4 – What happened today? Births Judy Buenoano 1942 – Michel Fourniret – was known as the “Ogre of the Ardennes” due to his horrific…
April 2 – What happened today? Births Mark Orrin Barton 1897 – Soghomon Tenlirian – was an Armenian revolutionary and soldier, born on April 2, 1896,…
April 1 – What happened today? Births 1928 – John B. Nixon Sr – was an American convicted murderer. He was convicted of the January 22,…